The truck finally came…
I said that this first blog post would happen last week. That’s because my huge art supply order was supposed to arrive last week…it didn’t. It finally came yesterday though! And then today, the awards reception for the grant recipients happened. I have to say I feel like I am living in an alternate universe. I got one of those big checks like you see on TV. It is currently sitting in my art studio. It has my name on it, along with a “large to me” sum of money. It is all very surreal. A year and some odd months later I am still processing the fact that I left my teaching job. That I don’t have regular, steady income. That I have learned to regularly share the stuff I create with people I’ve never met in person. And I’m still standing. AND I have this amazing opportunity to actually create the art that swirls around in my brain on a daily basis. For the next several months, it gets to be my main focus. It will wrap up with an interactive art exhibit in April. I will have 50 new paintings to share at that point. The fact that I even get to do this has me in a state of temporary paralysis. I’m scared to even begin. But I’m putting it in writing - hold me accountable please! My next blog post will be up on Tuesday and I will share some progress with you. And as of now - there shouldn’t be anything running late to keep me from following through. :) *This project is supported by the Jackson Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts.