One on One Private Painting Lessons
There are 3 available options:
Option 1: 4 (90 minute) painting sessions…….….$325
Option 2: 6 (90 minute) painting sessions……….$475
Option 3: 8 (90 minute) painting sessions……….$625
🎨 All options include professional level acrylic paints and stretched canvases.
🎨 Each option also includes a 30 minute - 1 hour planning session (either by phone or an in person coffee meetup) where we can discuss/plan what you would like to cover or accomplish during our time together.
🎨 At checkout, you will be prompted to fill out a form with your contact info. I will reach out to you shortly after to schedule our planning meeting.
🎨 With any of the options, it is my goal to fulfill your class sessions within a 4-6 week time frame.
🎨 Classes can be scheduled during weekday mornings or afternoons. If you are in need of evenings or weekends, please email me at before purchasing. Thank you!
There are 3 available options:
Option 1: 4 (90 minute) painting sessions…….….$325
Option 2: 6 (90 minute) painting sessions……….$475
Option 3: 8 (90 minute) painting sessions……….$625
🎨 All options include professional level acrylic paints and stretched canvases.
🎨 Each option also includes a 30 minute - 1 hour planning session (either by phone or an in person coffee meetup) where we can discuss/plan what you would like to cover or accomplish during our time together.
🎨 At checkout, you will be prompted to fill out a form with your contact info. I will reach out to you shortly after to schedule our planning meeting.
🎨 With any of the options, it is my goal to fulfill your class sessions within a 4-6 week time frame.
🎨 Classes can be scheduled during weekday mornings or afternoons. If you are in need of evenings or weekends, please email me at before purchasing. Thank you!
There are 3 available options:
Option 1: 4 (90 minute) painting sessions…….….$325
Option 2: 6 (90 minute) painting sessions……….$475
Option 3: 8 (90 minute) painting sessions……….$625
🎨 All options include professional level acrylic paints and stretched canvases.
🎨 Each option also includes a 30 minute - 1 hour planning session (either by phone or an in person coffee meetup) where we can discuss/plan what you would like to cover or accomplish during our time together.
🎨 At checkout, you will be prompted to fill out a form with your contact info. I will reach out to you shortly after to schedule our planning meeting.
🎨 With any of the options, it is my goal to fulfill your class sessions within a 4-6 week time frame.
🎨 Classes can be scheduled during weekday mornings or afternoons. If you are in need of evenings or weekends, please email me at before purchasing. Thank you!